
Model file for the formatting of manuscripts

Manuscripts submitted to the journal first undergo a preliminary round of evaluation, whereby the editors ascertain whether it is appropriate for the profile of the journal, and its overall quality is high enough for the process of peer reviewing to start. If it is, the manuscripts are anonymized, and papers are evaluated by two experts, while book reviews are evaluated by a single reader. Part of the reviewers’ task is to decide if they recommend the paper for publication and if they do, whether this has any further provisos (smaller or more substantive modifications). The editors make their decision on the publication of the manuscript, including prerequisites if any, on the basis of the readers’ reports. If the two readers’ reports contradict one another, the editorial board makes a decision after consulting and discussing both, or (if necessary) further reader’s opinion(s) can be asked for. Authors then are notified about the editors’ decision, and receive the anonymous readers’ reports.

Manuscripts that are accepted in a provisory manner may be revised by the authors. If they do not concur with the readers’ opinions, but do not wish to elaborate on certain issues in the manuscript itself, they are requested to justify their decisions in a separate letter. The revised manuscripts and the accompanying letters are then surveyed by the editors, and they may ask the authors to provide further refinements if necessary. The editors assert their rights to send manuscripts back to the author for revision if the manuscript is not formatted appropriately. As a next step, the manuscript goes to the layout editor, who prepares the setting and sends it to the author for proofreading. As a final step, the editors double check the text proofread by the author.